My name is Heidi, and I am a librarian. The awesome kind. The kind that will stand up for intellectual freedom and your right to read whatever you damn well please. Among other things. However, those things do not concern us here, and so I won't waste our time explaining them. You are welcome to equate me to your favorite librarian hero, be it Lucien, Giles, Batgirl, or the wonderful librarian that gave you your first library card and fostered your love of reading. Contrary to popular belief, being a librarian isn't all about loving and reading books.
Luckily, this blog is about little else.
What is Bunburying?
Bunburying noun (uncountable)
1. (humorous) Avoiding one's duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person
For me, when I have "an appointment", what I am really doing is reading, knitting, and drinking tea. Playing with my cat, gaming, watching T.V. or movies, and blogging.
A note on reviews:
I don't review using a rating system as I tend to find rating books to be a bit arbitrary, and I have a difficult time ranking them. If you want to see my star ratings, you're welcome to view them on my GoodReads shelf. Be warned that I am very fickle about assigning those stars and have been known to change them days or even months later after the book has ruminated a bit in my mind.
I'm a fairly eclectic reader, so you're likely to see a wide range of reviews here. Not every book is written for every reader, but you can usually figure out how I feel about a book based on my recommendations and the likelihood that I'll read other books from the author/series. If it sounds intriguing to you, try it! If it doesn't, skip it! It's as simple as that.
I appreciate your interest in my blog, and am happy to receive copies of books for review with one important condition. That condition is that I will only accept your book if I have worked with you in the past, or if the book is already on my wish list. If you want me to feature your book or participate in a tour, please take a minute to visit my GoodReads page and see if I have marked your book as to-read. I realize that this is restricting, but in all honesty I have a very busy schedule and am happy with my current amount of ARCs. Most often if I really want an ARC of a book, I will request it myself, but I do love to participate in tours and events for those books I've shown interest in.
I prefer e-book editions (Kindle or EPUB format) or audiobooks (I particularly enjoy MG audiobooks) in the following genres: YA, MG, speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary. I do expand beyond these genres for books that sound particularly interesting to me. I cannot guarantee reviews of any unsolicited copies received. In addition, I do not accept self-published books for review. Please feel free to contact me for further information.
If you do not receive a response from me, it is because I feel you have not read and adhered to my review policy. I do try to respond to all reasonable requests, even when I am not interested.
I prefer e-book editions (Kindle or EPUB format) or audiobooks (I particularly enjoy MG audiobooks) in the following genres: YA, MG, speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary. I do expand beyond these genres for books that sound particularly interesting to me. I cannot guarantee reviews of any unsolicited copies received. In addition, I do not accept self-published books for review. Please feel free to contact me for further information.
If you do not receive a response from me, it is because I feel you have not read and adhered to my review policy. I do try to respond to all reasonable requests, even when I am not interested.